
Daily Schedule:

(For infants, toddlers’ preschoolers and school-aged) 6AM-8AM BREAKFAST (MORNING KIDS DROP OFF & NIGHT KIDS PICK-UP) Fruit, milk or juice and a grain daily (breakfast) I will provide am snack from 9:45a-10a. Lunch will be provided to all children in attendance from 12p-1p. Afternoon snack will be offered after nap from 3p-320p. Dinner will be served to all children in attendance from 545p- 645p. Pm snack will be offered from 815p-830p.

Schedule Of The Day:

10-1145a free playtime/outside play
12-1pm Lunch
320p-430p MUSIC-TIME
430p-5:30 ARTS & CRAFT
5:45-645 Dinner
830p-845p brush teeth/potty time
845-9p bedtime story reading


No more than 6 children at one time and no more than 3 children under the age of 2 at one time Meals and Snacks: Are provided from Childcare (will receive a menu each week) Outdoor Play: Children are free to run and play in fenced backyard (no child is permitted outside the locked gate without adult present. Providing outdoor play in suitable weather. Suitable weather is at a minimum twenty-five to ninety degrees Fahrenheit. For any infant over twelve months of age, toddler, preschool, and school-age child in attendance four or more consecutive daylight hours. If only one staff member is present and there is an infant under twelve months of age in care, the provider is exempt from this requirement. In the event the weather prohibits outdoor play such as but not limited to (Examples: rain, snow, ice warnings, wind chill, humidity levels, pollen count, lighting) would result in indoor play for the safety of child/children.

Open Door Policy:

Parent(s) are welcome to sit in on activities and join in on field trips just please call 30 mins before arrival. I will provide parents with a conference once a month or more If requested by parent(s). Payments: Payments are due weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly according to co-pay agreement. No registration fee required.
Open Door Policy:

Other Information:
Breastfeeding: Is supported with access to master bedroom, pumped milk will be stored in fridge for 24 hrs. or freezer longer.
Policies and procedure: Enrollment forms or documents must all be completed prior to first day.
1. ENROLLMENT FORMS: JFS 123 child Enrollment and Health information for Child Care-must be completed prior to first day. JFS 1305 Child Medical Statement for Child Care- Must be completed within 30 days of enrollment.
3. ATTENDANCE: IF CHILD/CHILDREN WILL MISS OR ADD DAYS MUST GIVE 24HR NOTICE Releasing a child to any other person besides the custodial parent will need to fill out release forms for those individuals. If there is a custody agreement, I will need signed court documents. A SIGNED AGREEMENT WITH THE CENTER WILL ALSO NEED TO BE IN PLACE. Upon arrival of any other person picking up child other than legal guardian ID will need to be provided at time of pickup NO EXCEPTIONS we will make a copy and place it on file. If a child does not show up after scheduled time from a day program or school parents will be immediately contacted and school officials will be followed up with as well to ensure the safety and whereabouts of child l/children.
4. SUPERVISION: (Child guidance) ALL CHILDREN ARE SUPERVISED AT ALL TIME WHILE IN CARE (1) The provider and childcare staff members shall follow the rules. Children(s) will remain within sight or hearing of provider at all time. (2)The provider shall communicate and consult with the parent prior to implementing a specific behavior management plan. This plan shall be in writing, signed by parent and shall be consistent with the requirements of the rule Time out is used for implementing behavior. Time out is only 1 minute per age of children and they will be redirected or given, an explanation of why they were removed from the group before rejoining the group. Infants are never given time out.
5. Parent provided Food: Meals and snacks Only if a child/child has a food allergy. Parents must pack both lunches and snacks. I will provide any food groups missing from the parent’s pack. lunches or snacks Meals and snacks- Provider will serve breakfast, am snack, lunch, and pm snack. Children(s) receiving overnight care will also be served dinner.
6. Management of Illness: Isolation would be A precaution in any case a child who is having diarrhea, pink eye, vomiting, high fever symptoms (living room couch isolation area) (SUPERVISION WILL BE IN PLACE UNTIL CHILD IS PICKED UP )Sickness believed that could be passed to another child will be taken seriously children will have parents or guardians called to inform them of symptoms and dismissal of child from care. After child is picked up child/children would have to be out 24 hrs. and cleared by a doctor before arriving back to childcare next day.
7. Any serious events of an emergency will result in phone calls to emergency contacts and or 911 if necessary , going to a safe area which could be in the house or us leaving the home(emergency transport services will be provided for children in the need of immediate medical attention such as severely sick child/children, bodily harm, broken bones etc. in the event of an unsafe environment within the home we will have a stable emergency pickup location which is Whitehall library off yearling and broad (4445 e broad st , Columbus oh 43213) (examples: tornado or any natural disasters, missing child/children , active shooter in area). an incident report will be filed immediately form (jfs 01299) serious incident report will be filed if needed and completed through oclqs form (jfs 01156) will be completed by the end of the business day.
8. Administration of medication: Does not administer other than topical creams (provided by parent) with written instructions. School age children will be allowed to carry their emergency medication with form (jfs 01217) on file.
9. Transportation: for field trips (provided by center) emergency trips (emergency services will be used) Provided by center routine trip form (jfs 01225) also emergency transportation form on file (jfs 01234).
10. Water activities: Signed permission will be needed for parents on file for each child/child prior to swimming or using sprinklers. Children will have water time during the summer season a wading pool provided by the center no more than 18inches deep which will be filtered and emptied daily, sanitized daily or more often if needed. (children will always be supervised while wading pool in use).
11. INFANT CARE: Diapers will be checked every 2 hours and changed immediately when wet or soiled . I will provide an infant daily sheet each day to parent(s). Infants will sleep on their own time and will be place in a safe comfortable crib, side by me or pack and play. Infants can transition to a cot at 12 months of age with written parent permission.. Infants will be allowed to sit safely comfortably, crawl, toddle, walk and play according to their level of development. Non-crawling infants will be given the opportunity for tummy time.
12. napping and Resting: Each child during nap time over the age of 12 months (with written permission from the parent)or older will be offered a cot. Each infant under 12months will be place in a side by me, or pack and play located in the living room of my home. If a child is unable to sleep they will be given a quiet activity to do until nap time has ended. Rest/nap area will be well lit for proper supervision of children.sheets and blankets will be washed weekly disinfected daily.
13. Evening and Overnight Care: Will be provided evening routine of a supper and teeth brushing before sleep and in the AM before parents pick up their child/children. If child/children are staying overnight for care bedtime will be from 9pm-6am breakfast provided in the AM. All child/children will sleep in living room with provider during sleep time the sleep area will be well lit, bedtime routines will be developed in consultation with parents etc.
14. Closing or delays: Parents will be notified 24hrs. In advance by phone or text message as a reminder for holiday closings I will close on all major holidays. If any schools are closed due to weather related circumstances , I will accept school age children as a first come, first served basis until ratio is met. In the event I become ill, have a doctor’s appointment, vacation, or any other time off or away from work etc. parents will be notified 24-48hours in advance (unless sickness or emergency is unexpected)of any center closings. If eligible staff is available then a substitute will be used to handle provider duties during time of absence(sickness, provider emergency’s,,vacations or any other time necessary for possible center closing period, NOT INCLUDING HOLIDAY CLOSINGS)and center will remain open. 16. Dis enrollment. All parents must provide me with a written notice 30 days before dis enrollment of a child or children’s or a 100.00 fee will apply. Any child or children dis enrolled for examples not paying, violent, lack of communication etc will be notified of dis-enrollment 30 days in advance. Which should allow time to find other suitable care..
15. Conflict resolution: If parents or employees need assistance in resolving problems, I must be contacted first of any problems that occur in home between staff and parents depending on situation we will have a meeting. If a parent/ caretaker cannot resolve issue & wish to file grievance, they can contact ODJFS. The parents can rely on the resource board located on the wall. If experiencing homelessness or need other community resources. I will not accept any child/children that cannot be transported for emergency treatment. Formal assessments on enrolled child/children: Guardian Angel Childcare and Learning Center Does not perform formal assessments and does not report child data. Miscellaneous: Hand washing: The provider, all childcare staff members and employees will wash their hands before entering the family childcare home and prior to leaving for the day. Face coverings: The provider, all childcare staff members, employees, and residents wear face covering while indoors, unless note not medically or developmentally appropriate. Face coverings shall cover the individual’s nose and mouth. No child two years of age and under shall wear a face covering. All school-age children are required to wear a mask indoors. Health Assessment: All members of the childcare and children are assessed for the symptoms listed in the rules prior to or as soon as they arrive each day. List of symptoms to look for. A temperature of one hundred degrees Fahrenheit or higher Fever Chills Cough, Shortness of breath, Difficulty breathing, Fatigue, Muscle or body aches, Headache Loss of taste or smell, Sore throat, Congestion or runny nose, Nausea or vomiting, Diarrhea.
Removal from program: I the provider shall immediately send home any child who experiences any of the symptoms listed. No child or children may return to childcare until free from any symptoms and fever free with no use of fever reducing medication for at least 24 hrs. I the provider shall also immediately send home any child if I would experience any of the symptoms listed above and has known contact with someone confirmed or probable to have Covid-19. The individual shall not return to the program until isolation or quarantine procedures for COVID-19 in coordination with the local health department. Prior to returning or reopening of the center care may not resume until the isolation or quarantine is complete. Reporting: If I the provider or a resident of the home, or enrolled child test positives for COVID-19, the program will: Notify ODJFS by the next business day in the Ohio child licensing and quality system as a serious incident pursuant to the rule of the Administrative code. ii. Notify the local health department by next business day. Ensure the person completes isolation or quarantine procedures for COVID-19 in coordination with the local health department prior to being permitted to return to the program.